Getting Started With ABBG

To assist you in selling your business, ABBG will take the time needed to learn about your company and what gives it the value it has. To help us determine value we will ask you to collect and prepare for us: 

  • Completion of our Confidential Business Profile Questionnaire (CBP). This questionnaire is helps us understand the history of your business and to assist us in preparing marketing information to prospective buyers.

  • Your last three (3) years and YTD income statements and balance sheets.

  • Federal tax returns for the same three (3) years.

  • Current list of assets (depreciation schedule) and current inventory.

  • Information about leases and mortgages.

  • Information about the company ownership.

There should be no discrepancies between your financial statements and the income taxes reported for each year. In addition, we will also want you to take us through the reason(s) you are selling the business and the dollar amount and terms for sale you are looking for. This information will remain confidential!


Preparing The Comprehensive Business Profile or CBP

The Seller’s Confidential Business Profile contains a list of prescribed questions developed by ABBG to be completed by the seller. The information you give us is used to prepare a “go to” market strategy for selling your business.

Sign The Listing Agreement and Sellers Guide

The  Listing Agreement and Exclusive Right to Sell your Business outlines the terms and conditions for working together for the sale of your business.

As part of our services, together we will have a real discussion about the likely prospects for a sale at a price and financing arrangement the seller will accept.

ABBG’s proprietary Sellers Guide is designed to clearly outline the detailed approach ABBG will use to represent the business and identify the responsibilities of ABBG and the seller.

American Business Brokers Group

ABBG was formed to help guide businesses through to a successful transition.