Representing Your Business

Your Marketing Plan


ABBG works with you to develop a marketing plan and marketing materials specific to your business.  We look for buyers across the country to get as many interested prospects as possible.  ABBG uses many sources to identify prospective buyers including our own list of prospects we know personally that have shown interest in purchasing a business in the past.


Your Marketing “Teaser Ad”


ABBG highlights the unique aspects of your business and other information provided by you to first create a business “teaser ad” for marketing purposes.  This advertising piece does not indicate the business name, exact location or other information that could identify the business.  The teaser ad will be used to generate interest in the business through ABBGs web advertising partners.


Tracking Prospective


Tracking prospective buyers and answering their questions can take a considerable amount of time.  All of the marketing materials we provide are designed to protect your intentions and keep your information safe.  We provide prospective buyers only the information that is appropriate based on their demonstrated interest in your business.  This helps ensure the seller’s intentions are not made known to employees, customers, key suppliers and competitors until you as the seller want them to know.


Your Buyer’s Confidential Business Profile


With information you provide us, ABBG creates a more comprehensive marketing piece that includes business, financial and income tax information and a recasting of your business profit and loss to calculate you Seller Discretionary Income (SDE), or cash flow (what a buyer could expect in income after they purchase your business before debt service). We market this to pre-qualified buyers as your Confidential Business Profile (CBP).  Your CBP includes your business name and location but does NOT include names of customers, employees, suppliers, social security numbers, or confidential business strategies.


The Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and Buyer Profile


Before providing a prospective buyer with comprehensive business or financial information (the CBP), ABBG requires that a buyer complete and sign both a NDA and Buyer Profile which both helps in maintaining business confidentiality as well as indicating a buyer’s financial where-with-all.


Moving Towards a Closing


After review of your business financial information a buyer and you may begin a series of communications including a business due diligence meeting(s), a visit at your business (normally after hours), preparation of a non-binding letter of intent and ultimately a purchase agreement leading to a closing for the sale of your business.

American Business Brokers Group

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